Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Research - Common Mistakes

Upon looking at me and my peers' work, I have found several common mistakes.

1) Setting the wrong axis for the Revolve Tool.

This is one of the more common ones. Revolve tool has the option to revolve around the 3 axes. As shown in the blog post of my vase down below, if I revolve my curve around the Z or X axis, it would give me some weird shape or maybe a "black hole of doom", which has been experienced by many of my peers. Whereas If i revolve it around the Y axis, It gives me what I want. I am also not trying to say that all objects must be revolved around the Y axis. It depends on how the person wants to revolve the object.

2) Accidentally selecting another object without knowing it and then differencing.

Sometimes, we get careless and select things that are unnecessary. However, we do not notice them, simply because they're too hard to notice. Whether they are embedded inside another object, or just simply out of sight, they are an irritant. When you accidentally select them and try to difference, It either just wont work, or it differences wrongly, giving the student headache. This problem can be solved by either using layers, or hiding everything that is just unselected.

This is definitely the most common mistake. The same scenario goes to beveling of edges and extruding of faces. If you accidentally select another face or edge and go on to process it, it will turn out to be a monstrosity.

3) Accidentally clicking on the smooth button.

Actually, this problem might just be occurring to me only. I actually do not know the actual shortcut to the smooth tool, but i know i have clicked on it a couple of times. This is my most annoying error, as when i smooth the object, I cannot used the conventional ctrl-z to undo it. I have to go to the history and actually erase the smoothing.


The Revolve Tool:

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