Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 3 Lab 2 - Tracks


This is how I create tracks.

I create a polygonal plane in the front panel and then assign a track_outline texture to the plane so that i can be used to outline my track.

Just like in the previous exercise, I normalized the UVs so that the image is positioned properly on the plane.

I used the Create Polygon Tool and outlined the track. Then, I made the the plane that is used for the template of the outlining invisible.

I then used the extrude tool to extrude the polygon that i have created. Now it forms a nice and solid straight track.

I used the edge loop tool to create 2 subsections in the bottom faces. I then scaled them outwards and then used the newly created faces to extrude out a connecting section. Then, I used the newly created face at the end of the track and extruded it outwards to create a connector. I then beveled it to make it look less sharp.

I used the create deformer tool to make a nonlinear bend deformer so that I could bend the object or curve it in any angle i want.

This is the end result of my two tracks:

Note: I managed to hide the deformers so it would not spoil the look of the tracks.


The techniques I have learnt here are the create polygon tool and the create deformer tool.

The create polygon tool helped me to outline a picture and then create a polygon using the enclosed space given in the outline. However, unlike the previous exercise, where i used the create curve tool, this tool creates the polygon already and so I can manipulate it as a polygonal plane before extrusion.

The create deformer tool helped me to curve the finished track in different angles.


This exercise took me quite fast to finish.

I know why I took so fast to finish. This is because I am pretty familiar with the Maya interface and its tools after using it for awhile. Especially after doing the last exercise, which was the bucket exercise, I can find and locate the correct tools quite efficiently.

Although I took faster to finish this, I realise that I do not have as much satisfaction in finishing this compared to as when I was finishing my bucket. I guess this is because I put in less effort in this compared to the bucket exercise.

Overall, I feel that this is still an important and knowledgeable exercise.


2.5 MM_Track Modelling.pdf

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